Friday, December 27, 2019

How Not to Crash and Burn at a New Job

How Not to Crash and Burn at a New JobHow Not to Crash and Burn at a New JobEveryone has experienced buyers remorse A shirt that looked great in the fitting room just isnt quite as flattering in your bedroom mirror. Or worse, a job that seemed like a perfect fit during the interview falls flat during your first few weeks.Turns out, that feeling of new job remorse is pretty common According to the Society for menschenwrdig Resources Management, half of all hourly workers resign within the first four months of a new job, and half of senior hires crash within just 18 months.Why such a high dropout rate? It often starts with a weak onboarding process. Although most companies have some sort of initial orientation program, only 7% of the overall training budget is devoted to it. According to Dr. John Sullivan, an expert in onboarding process effectiveness, Onboarding programs rank high on the list of HR programs that get little respect or attention.But, it can make all the difference When you onboard well, not only are you likely to stay longer, but youll be perceived as a better performer, youll be less stressed, and youll like your job (and the decision you made) a whole lot more.The lesson? While effective onboarding is crucial, it may be up to you to carry the load and take control of your new job. Heres how.1. Learn the New Landscape Dont be surprised if you dont learn the specifics of your new position in onboarding- its not typically geared toward helping you settle into your particular role or team. Instead, its often run by HR, for the sole purpose of getting you oriented and compliant. (Hello, benefits seminar)So, take it upon yourself to map out your new environment. You should do this on three levels the organization (its mission, culture, and basic practices), your department (its purpose and how it fits into the big picture), and your individual position (your responsibilities, how your performance will be measured, and your role in the bigger organizat ional mission).By looking beyond your initial onboarding classes, youll be able to create a more effective plan of attack- which will allow you to start working toward your goals sooner, ratzu sich than later.2.Bond With (and Leverage) Your Manager Managers arent usually a formal part of the onboarding process- a few will check in on you occasionally, some will keep their distance until youre ready to train for your specific position, and others will opt for a sink-or-swim approach altogether. But to get started on the right foot, its important to involve them from the get-go. (After all, this is hopefully the start of a long-term relationship)So, if you find that your manager isnt playing a big enough role during your first few weeks on the job, take the necessary steps to bring him or her into the loop. If youre not already meeting regularly throughout your onboarding, schedule some time to collaborate on your training plan. Then, follow up with regular weekly or bi-weekly meeting s to keep him or her up to date on your progress and make sure youre still on track for success.Most importantly, tell your manager what you need. Want an introduction to the head of another department? Need specific feedback as you learn new processes? Ask. Thats what managers are for3. Dont Let the Chaos Manage You When you start a new job, you enter a period of conscious incompetency. That is, no matter how flawlessly you could perform your last role, you now have to unlearn what you knew and relearn it in a completely new context.And Ill be honest You probably wont like that feeling of uncertainty and vulnerability. Making the transition from knowing how everything works to knowing how nothing works can be a shock to your system- and your ego.So, take a deep breath and be prepared to be a bit overwhelmed. Then, remind yourself that this is all part of the learning process. Remember how you left your last job knowing how it all worked? Eventually, youll achieve that level of comp etence in this job, too.That said, it does help to keep a notebook of all the new information coming at you so you dont have to rely solely on your memory. Having everything in one place will help you power through the inevitable chaos.4. Build Relationships With Others In any organization, work is accomplished through your relationships with your boss, your co-workers, and other employees across various departments. You wont get far if you dont start making (and leveraging) relationships in your new workplace. Unfortunately, companies dont always make this as much of a priority as it should be, especially during a new hires first few weeks.So, when you first come on board, dig in and figure out who youll need to have strong working partnerships with. Schedule casual coffee meetings with behauptung people as part of your own personal onboarding process, or just stop by their desks to introduce yourself.By taking these first steps toward building strong, trusting relationships, youll be able to integrate yourself quickly, share plans for the work youll be doing, and establish yourself as a collaborative, trustworthy team member.5. Exercise the Power You Have When my client, Katherine, called me after accepting a new job, she was overwhelmed. Even at a VP level, there was no organized onboarding process for her to rely on. She thought shed made a huge mistake, and she wanted to quit.But before any rash decisions were made, we took a closer look at her situation She was sitting in meetings all day, then returning to her desk only to find 400 unread emails. Of course she felt overwhelmed To take control of her situation, she needed to establish clear guidelines for herself and the people she worked with.First, not every meeting was essential, and she had every right to decide which she would and wouldnt participate in. People need to earn your time, I told her. You dont just give it away.And while fewer meetings gave her more time to spend with her inbox, she also needed a slightly different email strategy. So, she set expectations for how she wanted others to communicate with her (i.e., to clearly delineate what was urgent and what could wait). By implementing new practices and exercising the power to manage her new role, she was able to reduce the stress her new job was creating.It may be a little intimidating when youre the office newbie, but if something is getting in the way of your successful onboarding, speak up You have the power to change the things that arent working- so communicate what you need in reservierung to be successful.6. Dont Make a Decision Based on a First ImpressionClients often call me within a couple of months of starting a new job, overwhelmed and regretful. But the truth is, their reactions have more to do with being in an unfamiliar and uncomfortable situation than they do with making a bad decision.So, once youre a few months in- keep pushing forward. A career transition can (and will) be hard. Be patient Dont m ake a decision to stay or go for at least six months. Go into it knowing that your first few months may be uncomfortable, but that the uncertainty wont last forever.Your job success plan starts from day 1. Dont expect your new company to slow down while you catch up. Expect things to move fast- but more importantly, expect to take charge of your own onboarding. Youll be happier, more satisfied, and more successful in the long run.Photo of woman working courtesy of Shutterstock.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

6 Processes of Project Scope Management

6 Processes of Project Scope Management6 Processes of Project Scope ManagementProject scope management is what you do to make sure that your project includes all the work relevant to achieving the projects objectives (and not anything else). Its around controlling whats included in the project and what isnt. This article looks at the project scope management knowledge area from the book A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) Fifth Edition. This isnt the only way to define project scope management, but its a good starting point and will be very helpful to you if you are working towards your PMP certification. Plan Scope Management Process The point of doing this is to give you a scope management plan at the end of it. That sets out how you will define, manage, validate and control your projects scope. Putting the work in up front to define this gives you something to refer to later. You may find that you can use another projects scope management plan as a starting point, as scope management processes dont vary wildly between projects once your company has settled on a way of working that is successful for them. The result of this process is the scope management plan. This is part of your project management plan and includes How you will prepare a detailed scope statementHow you will create your Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) from the scope statementHow you are going to maintain and approve that WBSHow you will get formal acceptance of the projects deliverablesHow you will manage changes to the scope The document doesnt have to be incredibly detailed or very formal it simply has to be fit for purpose. Collect Requirements Process In this process, youllwork out what your stakeholders want from the project. Once you have outlined your big idea, you need to document the requirements and manage your stakeholders expectations. This is important because often what they ask for isnt realistic or achievable given other project constrai nts, like cost. The output of your requirements collection work is a documented set of requirements. This should be as comprehensive as possible and will normally include several categories of requirements such as Functional and non-functional requirementsStakeholder requirements such as reporting requirementsSupport and training requirementsBusiness requirementsProject requirements such as levels of service or quality Youll also document the dependencies, assumptions, and constraints that specifically relate to requirements. Define Scope Process Heres where you take your requirements and turn them into a detailed description of the product or service that your project is going to create. Youll end up with a project scope statement which you can refer to during the project. It will include a list of whats in scope and whats out of scope. Thats important because often people wont remember what is specifically excluded and come back and ask you to do work on those areas. Any inclu sions will have to go through change control. Create Work Breakdown Structure Process This process enables you to turn your list of requirements into a structured vision of what you need to do. The main work here is breaking down big tasks into smaller, manageable chunks. The result of this process is a WBS and it can be a very helpful tool. If you dont think visually, then you can achieve the same result by creating a list. Validate Scope Process The Validate Scope process isnt, as you may think, getting business stakeholders to sign off your WBS. Its about making sure that you have a process in place for getting sign off for your deliverables when the time comes. Its worth putting this structure in place so that you dont have any questions about who is going to approve a deliverable or what criteria they are going to use to say it is complete. Once the process is complete, youll have accepted deliverables, approved by whoever needs to approve them. Control Scope Process The Control Scope process is the brde one in the project scope management knowledge area. It relates to making sure that there is effective change control if the scope needs to change. It also covers tracking your project with a scope hat on to check that it is going to deliver what you think it will. These 6 processes make up the project scope management knowledge are in the PMBOK Guide Fifth Edition.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

6 Unconventional Icebreakers for Networking Events

6 Unconventional Icebreakers for Networking Events6 Unconventional Icebreakers for Networking Events6 Unconventional Networking Icebreakers for Your Next Networking EventDont blend into the crowd at your next veranstaltung. Instead, stand out with these unconventional networking icebreakers The hardest part of a networking event is drumming up the courage to sign up, get dressed, and make yourself get out the door. At least, thats the truth for some people. For others, the hard part doesnt come until youre there and faced with dozens if bedrngnis hundreds of strangers. Youre supposed to talk to them, but how?If youve ever done the simple Hi and handshake followed by 10 seconds of awkwardness, you probably wont be looking forward to that. There have to be some better approaches, right?Luckily, there are. If Hi and a handshake work for you, no problem youre a networking natural. If, however, you feel like you need an alternate approach to start and get a conversation flowing, these e ight unconventional networking icebreakers may be for you.1. Card tricksReally? Card tricks as an icebreaker? Yes, Ive seen this one in use. If you know a little magic or some simple card tricks, this can be an easy opener.Hi. Pick a cardYoull want to keep it simple so you can finish the trick and move the conversation forward. Its likely that the next words will be How did you learn to do that? or How did you do that? Just like that, you have a topic of conversation.Youll want to read the crowd a little before doing this, however. Not everyone is going to like a magic trick as a networking icebreaker. Look for people who are laughing, smiling, and seem relaxed.Tip Avoid any tricks that involve touching the other rolle (Hey, theres something behind your ear) or using something of theirs as a prop they have no reason to trust you yet.2. Come ready with triviaJust about everyone is fascinated by little bits of knowledge when theyre relevant. Do a little research before your event to find some great material. Here are a couple of ideasFacts about the city where youre meeting. How welches it settled? Whats the biggest money-making product? Is there a famous person in history who was born there?What building/business is hosting the event. Dig into the history and see if there are some great tidbits to share.Keep an eye on the news. Maybe theres a great nugget beyond those headlines you can share.Trivia is a great way to show that you can hold your own in a conversation and that you have some intelligence.Did you know that this building was completely burned down by the Great Chicago Fire? They rebuilt it in brick so that wouldnt happen againTip Practice your delivery. You want to sound fun and conversational, not like a know-it-all.3. Give a complimentWho doesnt like to receive a well-placed compliment? If you see a person that youd like to talk to, look for anything that stands out in your eyes. Is she wearing really great shoes? Does he have a cool tie clip? Pho ne? Glasses? If they are wearing or carrying something that really jumps out to you, its likely that they want it to have that effect.You dont have to go into detail. Just smile and say I really like your glasses or whatever it is you want to compliment. This will naturally lead to conversation about where they got the item and possibly a return compliment. Boom the ice is broken.Dont believe me? Its been proven that receiving a compliment gives people the same sort of joy as being handed cash. Thats powerful stuffTip Stick to items like accessories or phones. Dont compliment anyone on their overall appearance or any body parts. Even complimenting a smile or eyes will come across like a pickup line.RelatedFresh Networking Conversation Starters for Your Next Holiday Party4. Ask for adviceThese networking icebreakers are especially easy if your event has a buffet or a drink menu. Ive never been here before. Whats their specialty? or Id like to try something new. Whats your favorite? can start off a conversation because theres always the chance that the person you ask is in the same boat as you. By asking, youve bridged the gap and now you have something to talk about. Perhaps you can discover whats on the menu together.Asking for help or advice makes you immediately approachable because youre putting the other person in a position of power. Youre acknowledging that you think they know more than you about something. Everyone likes that.Tip Keep it simple. Ask a question relevant to the situation youre in, which is a networking event. Dont open with Should I have a 401K or an IRA? and stay away from personal advice like Is this a good color for me? Way too awkward.5. Out-of-the-box questionYou have to be a fairly outgoing person for these networking icebreakers, but youll really hear some interesting things if you do. If you start out with Where do you work? or What do you do? youll get the same stale, rehearsed answer that the other person has already given to a bunch of others at the event. But if you spring something new on them, you just might shock them into a smile.Hi. Whats your guilty-pleasure song? Mines MmmBopOkay, that might be bit extreme, but in one fell swoop, youve surprised them. Studies have shown that people like to be surprised and it works great as a marketing tool. By adding your own guilty-pleasure song (or whatever youre asking), youve removed the pressure. They dont have to worry about being mocked for their answer because its not going to be sillier than MmmBop is it?If youre not quite that brave, make it easier with something like Whats your favorite movie?Tip Its a fine line between surprise and shock. Keep it light and fun. Music, books, TV, and films are easy targets. Politics and religion should be strictly off limits.6. Show your crazy sideFor this one, you may not have to say anything at all. Most networking events have name tags, right? Think about something fun and crazy that youve done. Have you bungee jum ped off a bridge? Did you ride an ostrich in a race? Were you on a game show?If you have anything cool, fun, and surprising on your lifes resume, simply write it on your name tag Travis Davis Communications Specialist. I ran with the bullsIf you saw that name tag at an event, wouldnt you want to talk to Travis and hear about running with the bulls? It doesnt have to be anything grand, but it does have to be interesting.This networking icebreaking trick is extra effective because youre putting the tanzabend in the other persons court. As theyre wandering around wondering how to talk to people, theyll see your name tag. You just gave them the perfect opener.Tip Stick to the fun and crazy. This isnt confession time Travis Davis Communications Specialist. I once snuck into Disney World after hours may be a fun story but not for strangers.Remember, most of the people at your networking event are in the same boat as you. Theyre all hoping to break the ice and meet people, and most of t hem arent sure how to do it. If you do a little prep-work beforehand, you can make it easier for everyone. Not only will it make it easier for you to make some new contacts, but youll also be memorable thats a big win at any networking event.Click on the following link for more networking advice.Is your resume ready for your next networking event? We can check with our free resume critiqueRecommended ReadingThe Ultimate Networking Guide for IntrovertsCareer Quiz What Networking schriftart Best Fits Your Personality?Taking Your Professional Network from 0 to 60 in Record Time

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Ways to keep your next meeting from going off the rails

Ways to keep your next meeting from going off the railsWays to keep your next meeting from going off the railsMeetings You have to live with them in corporate America, which means you cant live without them. So, when youre not the one calling the shots, its easy to feel like you have no control over how meetings play out - or how long they end up being.Heres what both managers and employees can do to make the meeting culture easier on everyone.Shut down that person who talks too muchFrancesca Gino, an author and professor at Harvard Business School,writes in the Harvard Business Reviewabout a way to cut down on interruptions - to enlist the group.If youd prefer to avoid embarrassing the interrupter, you can address the whole group without pointing fingers. Ask the group to reflect on whether you are communicating effectively together and what could be improved, she writes. This strategy would allow every member, including you, to raise their awareness of challenges facing the group , a first important step in addressing problems like this one.Does someone keep stopping by your desk for a mid-day chat, when youre knee-deep in all the work you have to do? Try using the FlowLight so others know how youre doing, and whether or not its a good time to come over and talk.Dont let it go into overtimeHallie Crawford, a certified career coach, author, and founder, writes in U.S. News World Report about how having a brief agenda can help a meeting from going on for too long, and that points can include your main objective, the order of importance of your talking points and how much time you should allot for them.Trying to fit too much material into a meeting is another aya way to run over. Instead of cramming a lot of talking points into one meeting, plan on talking for only half of the allotted time,Crawford advises.For example, if you have planned a 45-minute meeting, determine which two to three items on your agenda you really need to discuss with your employees, and which items could wait until next time or possibly even be resolved via email.An agenda is only as useful as you make it, though, so try not to stray from it.Picking up the pieces after a heated exchangeThis happens all the time and can get pretty awkward once the dust settles.After an argument, managers shouldtake the time to see where both parties are coming from, and what could work for each person going forward. Dont be afraid to jump in when you feel like things are heading south - just be sure to appear composed and use every word deliberately to moderate the situation thats unfolding.Soon enough, team members will be onto the next meeting or back at their desks and before you know it, theyll have moved on from the heated interactions that spiraled out of control during this meeting.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Uncommon Article Gives You the Facts on Skills in a Resume That Only a Few People Know Exist

Uncommon Article Gives You the Facts on Skills in a Resume That Only a Few People Know Exist If youre just beginning, you might want to distribution policy a larger emphasis on education and internships. If you dont have the skills you must do the employment, you should explain which youre prepared to do whatever is essential to acquire them. Consider ways to promote your skills to genuinely help the organization youre applying for. If youre a marketer, your negotiation skills can be quite valuable to your employer. When youve done that, youre all set to gather your Skills section. Skills not only help someone in acquiring a desired job or position, additionally, it assists in molding the general development of someone. The Coordinator of Training gathers evaluations the moment theyve been assessed. If youre on the lookout for work, you can choose on Plenty of short-term Goals to raise and grow. Its vital to be sure your work experience listed on your resume reflects your ab ilities. The majority of people will have between five and 10 major skills listed. The secret to attracting a possible employer to read your resume is to incorporate a mix of both hard and soft abilities both in the section specializing in skills and throughout the remainder of the resume. Wherever you choose to place your skills on your resume, be certain to tailor your list of skills to the specific job. You dont have the fundamental computer skills you will need to acquire the job that you desire. Bear in mind, the majority of the exceptional skills that you place on your resume ought to be job-related skills taken from the work description and your best transferable skills. 1 other approach to describe hard skills is they are quantifiable or measurable. Look through the work description and see whether any soft skills are mentioned. They, on the other hand, are not easy to quantify. You probably have the correct computer abilities. If you are in possession of a whole lot of social work expertise, then you ought to think about utilizing an expert overview. Now you have a fairly excellent collection of skills going for your intended position, look at expanding beyond that. Called if the present project must be ceased. Youll locate an expanding quantity of kinds of resumes emerging in the past several years and some are extremely valuable. Introducing Skills in a Resume Once more, review the work post and see whether your existing skills list and experience fit the requirements. Management skills refer to the way by which someone can handle and manage people or lots of tasks under him. Therefore, if you come to an interview, the deficiency of Soft Skills may be one reason you werent chosen for the job. What You Dont Know About Skills in a Resume Most standard resume formats incorporate a skill section at or close to the bottom of the resume. If you have a specific language ability which may be relevant to an employer, you may include an abili ties or languages section with that info. Additionally, it is going to help you show off your very best PC skills without difficulty As you proceed through the list of skills above, make a distinct list with the skills which you already possess. Following that, you will additionally make list of your particular skills. Listing skills can allow you to stand out. 3 First, you have to pick the best skills for your resume.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Should social networking be allowed in the workplace

Should social networking be allowed in the workdistribution policy Should social networking be allowed in the workplace?Posted October 13, 2011, by Josie Chun The boundary between work and personal life has become blurred and with the rise of social networking sites that line has become very blurred indeed. Whether you like it or notlage, social networking has now permeated every corner of both our personal and professional lives we do it at home, we do it at work, and businesses themselves have gotten in on the action, using social media as a marketing, brand-enhancing and networking tool. Its here to stay, and you cant put the Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn genie back in the bottle. Social networking part of the fabric of daily life According to Australian Bureau of Statistics data, there are currently 9.3 mio Facebook and 1.2 million Twitter users in Australia. Thats a whole lot of social networkers and many of them are conducting their social networking activity at work. A recent d eutsche bundespost from popular social media blog Mashable reveals that business employees visit Facebook from the workplace mora than any other internet site, including Google. A whopping 6.8 per cent of all business Internet traffic goes to Facebook double that of Google and triple that of Yahoo. With that kind of social networking activity taking place in offices around Australia, what are organisations to do? They could ban access to social networking sites altogether, ignore the problem and hope it goes away (not likely), or embrace the trend and try to use it to their advantage. Unfortunately, most businesses havent worked through the issue enough to even have a formal social networking policy in place. Does your workplace have a social networking policy? Does it work? What system do you think would work best?Leave a comment below and let us know what you think. The case for social networking in the workplace Many companies prohibit access to Facebook and other social net working sites on company computers because they believe such access leads to decreased productivity. However, a recent study by the University of Melbourne found that employees who regularly surf the net during business hours are actually more productive than those who dont. According to the study of 300 workers, 70 per cent of people who use the Internet at work engage in Workplace Internet Leisure Browsing (WILB), surfing the net for personal reasons. Surprisingly, those who do so within reasonable limits (less than 20 per cent of their work time) are more productive by around nine per cent. You might well ask yourself how this can be possible wouldnt surfing the net cause people to waste time, lose focus and be less productive? Not so, according to Dr Brent Coker, from the Department of Management and Marketing at the University of Melbourne. The answer lies in the fact that short, harmless web-browsing breaks help us to resume our work with refreshed concentration. People need to zone out for a bit to get back their concentration. Think back to when you were in class listening to a lecture after about 20 minutes your concentration probably went right down, yet after a break your concentration was restored, says Dr Coker. Its the same in the workplace. Short and unobtrusive breaks, such as a quick surf of the internet, enable the mind to rest itself, leading to a higher total net concentration for a days work, and as a result, increased productivity. For Gen Y, social networking is an integral part of a normal day, and access from work is seen by many as more a right than a privilege. Allowing social networking in the workplace could therefore be one way of retaining what can be a skittish and restless group of workers. Besides, some argue that Gen Y, having grown up hooked into social media, mobile phones, iPods and other technologies, is a generation that grew up multi-tasking and is particularly adept at it. They could have a chat site open to talk to their friends while theyre doing their work quite effectively, I might add. Thats the way theyve been training their brain to work for the last 10 years, said Tracey Hodgkins of the Australian Experiential Learning Centre in Perth, in an interview with The case against social networking But multi-tasking is a myth, according to researchers at Stanford University, who found that those who attempt to multi-task perform worse than those who do one task at a time. So if you think you can successfully listen to your iPod, send a text, check your email, update your Facebook status and watch a video on YouTube without anything falling through the cracks, think again. Multi-taskers were found to have difficulty concentrating and keeping things sorted in their brains. Furthermore, while productivity may increase for people who surf the net only moderately while at work, it suffers when web surfing exceeds a moderate level, as it does for Internet addicts a label t hat could be applied to 14 per cent of those in the University of Melbourne study. Social networking policy in the workplace With all this conflicting information, what are employers to do? Given the extent to which social networking has infiltrated the workplace, its an issue that needs to be tackled yet, surprisingly, a recent Manpower survey of 34 000 employers worldwide revealed that 75 per cent of organisations do not have a formal policy in place regarding the use of social networking sites at work. It seems that many companies are adopting a wait-and-see approach before developing their own formal policies but what are they really waiting for? The survey found that three out of four employers indicated that their organisations had no formal policy regarding the use of social networking sites at work, while five per cent were unsure of whether or not their organisation had such policies. Twenty per cent of employers responded that they did have policies in place regulati ng social networking in the workplace. Of these, the majority (63 per cent) believed that these policies were most effective in helping to avoid losses in productivity one third indicated that their policies helped to protect intellectual property three in ten believed their policies helped to protect their organisations reputation 14 per cent cited talent recruitment as one of the most positive outcomes and only two per cent said that their companys social networking policies were not effective. When asked to specify the top potential benefits to be gained from external social networking, employers identified brand building (20 per cent), fostering collaboration and communication (19 per cent), new talent recruitment (15 per cent), candidate assessment (13 per cent), and professional development of employees (13 per cent). If you cant beat em join em The Manpower report raises a salient question how can companies embrace social media technology and unleash its potential power, w hile minimising risk and misuse? After all, social networking isnt going to go anywhere, and its something that every individual and every business has to learn to manage. Instead of passively waiting to see how social networking trends develop, employers could get on the front foot and harness their popularity to increase their businesss value, boost their reputation, help advance their corporate goals, and keep their employees engaged. It shouldnt be about trying to control employees social networking activity, but rather channelling it for everyones mutual benefit. Besides, any attempts to totally block social networking activity at work are ultimately futile. Even if social networking sites are banned from employees computers, they can always get onto their iPhones and Blackberries and continue their surreptitious Facebooking and tweeting. Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms have the potential to benefit businesses in ways that have yet to be fully explored. The genie is well and truly out of the bottle and progressive companies will attempt to ride the social networking wave to better business. Drop by our Facebook page. 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